I am an EFT Practitioner, Business Coach, and Creator of CoachingGenie.com
What I Do

You started your business with passion, excitement, and dreams of doing work you love. But now, it seems as though instead of doing work that brings you ease and joy, you have a business that runs you and your life. You always feel like you have to be “on” and you have essentially traded one job for another.
It doesn’t have to be that way. You can go from feeling overwhelmed, drained, and frustrated to feeling confident, energized, and excited about your business again… and I can show you how.
My greatest gift is in being able to turn what seems complex into simplicity. When we work together, I’ll take all of the pieces of complexity in your business and turn them into a simplicity-driven growth strategy quickly and efficiently. No more trying every marketing and selling strategy out there, and adding more ‘stuff’ to your already overloaded list of things to implement.
Not only will we create a simplicity-driven growth strategy that works for you and your lifestyle, but you may also learn some salsa dancing moves, Russian swear words, and my expertise on time-travel movies along the way as well!
Don’t believe this is possible for your business? Read on and let’s see what we can create together.
The Beginning
My American dream started in October of 1992, when I stepped off the plane Kiev – New York. Equipped with a music teaching degree and a 90-day crash course in English, I was ready for whatever I had to do to survive in this new world.
Everything I learned about America came from the Soviet newspapers in the 80s, so I spent my first few years in awe and wonder. Giving piano lessons at $6 an hour wasn’t going to feed my family, so I enrolled myself in college and graduated with a four-year degree as a computer programmer. Now I had everything I needed to be successful in America.
Or so I thought…
First Business
With the Internet sweeping the world, thousands of online businesses started emerging, and I became curious about e-book publishing. After writing and selling my first three e-books, I stumbled onto something that would completely transform my life. I discovered coaching.
A fast-growing field, coaching heavily relied on having online presence, dynamic web sites, and marketing skills. I quit my job, became a work-at-home mom of two small children, and began studying marketing. My focus was on copywriting and direct marketing. I was absolutely fascinated by the idea of a single email generating thousands of dollars in sales.
With the birth of online product launches and joint venture partnerships, my dream of creating a million-dollar business seemed more real than ever.
First Million
Over the next few years I published my first print book, “Coaching Millions”, hosted the world’s very first telesummit, created Recurring Revenue Revolution live event, developed almost 30 various business courses, started and sold a software company, and co-founded JV Insider Circle.
And I made my first million along the way.
When I imagined building a million-dollar business, I thought it would feel like a “million dollars!”
But when I finally surpassed seven figures, I didn’t even notice it. I was too busy working. It didn’t feel like anything special. No more special than making six figures. No more special than getting a $30K job offer right after college.
Most importantly, it didn’t make me feel any happier or more successful. Angels didn’t sing, the seas didn’t part, and a rainbow didn’t appear. I was always busy, often tired, and even began having panic attacks, which were absolutely scary and debilitating.
So instead of celebrating hitting a 7-figure mark, I decided to sell my business and take a sabbatical.
The Sabbatical
After 16 years of “playing big”, I began looking closer at my life and asking questions I had never asked before:
- How much money do I really need to be happy?
- What am I willing and unwilling to do to achieve this goal?
- Who am I when I am not running a business?
- Where does happiness come from?
What I discovered was that in the last three years I was operating a very successful, but the wrong kind of business for me. I’d been in “misalignment” and had allowed business to dominate my life.
I was ready for a different business and a different way of doing things.
The Search for Simplicity
In my search for the “next big idea” I discovered that I was not alone. I surveyed and had private conversations with over 500 coaches, authors, and speakers. Many of them were going through a similar soul-searching experience.
Making money was not enough. They felt drained and trapped by the complexity they created and were in the process of re-evaluating their entire business models. They wanted more freedom, meaning, and joy.
Simplicity Circle was born out of seeing how growing a business can cause stress, anxiety, and frustration and take away from happiness and peace. And from profitability.
My Clients
As I shift my work into the direction of simplicity, I realize that not everyone will resonate with this idea. Many entrepreneurs are “goal chasers” or “business warriors”, who will do whatever they have to do create their “dream business.” I’ve been there, done that, AND I believe there is a better and easier way.
My focus is on business owners who are overwhelmed or burnt out from the daily grind of growing a business, and wish for an easier, more effortless way to experience results. If this is you, then you’re going to LOVE the idea of simplicity.
Simplicity does not mean “simplistic” or “playing small” or “settling for less.” Simplicity means trusting your inner guidance and creating a business that is a full expression of you. A business that is fully aligned with who you are. Anything else will keep you stuck, frustrated, and unhappy.
I care deeply about your success and will be your champion as you shift into creating the perfect business for YOU.
The Rest of Me
Because I have applied simplicity growth strategies to my own business, I have created what I love most. Working with clients and being able to fully use my gifts as well as having time to write music, take Latin dance lessons, play with my dogs, hang out with my family, and binge-watch Russian movies and Friends episodes.
As in introvert, rather than being on big stages, I love leading live workshops and being able to create deep connections with people.
I like to think that I am funny, but my kids disagree. I also like to think that I am a pioneer in the coaching and marketing space. Fortunately, many of my clients and peers agree.
Short Bio:
Milana is an entrepreneur, business strategist, and a marketing mentor to coaches, authors, and speakers. She is the author of two books, “Coaching Millions” and “Simplicity Entrepreneurship”, the creator of telesummit. She is also the creator of Coaching Genie, an online platform for designing and delivering coaching programs with ease. She came from Soviet Ukraine almost three decades ago as a classical musician with zero knowledge of the business world, and has since built multiple six and seven-figure businesses. Today she’s passionate about showing entrepreneurs how to use simplicity as a growth strategy. Goodbye complexity and overwhelm. Hello simplicity, profits, and ease.