Milana has been a leading innovator ever since she started her work in the coaching industry. She has some sort of “x-ray vision” that allows her to see what the rest of us miss. Even if your business is already doing high 6 figures, she always sees a path to scaling it with less work. She won’t just give you a bunch of cookie cutter ideas that have been around for years. Milana gets how to combine your unique expertise with proven methods in a new, simpler way. This is Milana’s brilliance. She’s a master of knowing exactly what to cut, what to keep, and what to customize for your business. She’s like an overflowing fountain of cutting-edge ideas to quickly grow your business. The result is a business that really works for you, instead of one that demands your attention 24/7. When you’re finally done “trying harder” with complex strategies, let Milana help you get the breakthrough your business has been begging for.