Things are really shifting in our space. It used to be easy to get results online, but now many entrepreneurs are noticing a drop. Online conversions are declining even for “big players” and everyone is looking for answers.
In the last few weeks I spent a lot of time talking to coaches, speakers, and entrepreneurs in our industry, and many of the trends we discussed confirmed what I had experienced in my own business last year.
So what will the next phase look like for online/coaching industry?
How can we regain the trust of the very people we want to serve?
I’ll share each trend below and how I plan to shift my own business around it:
Trend #1: Connection/Customization. Our industry has become too much about numbers, massive results, the transaction. People want to be seen as individual human beings, with their own unique challenges and dreams. They want to feel heard and understood.
My shift around this trend is moving away from doing big training calls with hundreds of people and creating small-group programs, where I can give focus, care, and attention to clients. This will allow me to truly connect with the people who invest in working with me, which creates more results, fewer refunds, and deeper conversations.
Trend #2: Experiences/Engagement. Information is free. Books are cheap. Info-products cause a crippling sense of overwhelm. What’s the alternative? Creating experiences that lead to real transformation. These could be retreats or workshops, virtual or live, programs with a hands-on component, a contest, a game, or anything else that will elevate your material above just information and create higher engagement.
My shift around this trend is focused on reducing the amount of information in my programs and creating space for coaching, conversations, and transformation. Adding a live retreat to my online program to increase engagement and connection and create an awesome experience for my clients. Sharing less information and asking more questions that lead to a more powerful learning and results.
Trend #3: Simplification. Desire to grow a business coupled with lack of trust is creating an unprecedented overwhelm in our industry. So much is being thrown at us all the time – who do we trust? Who do we follow? Which strategies will work for us?
I saw this trend about six months ago, which resulted in me creating a new company, Simplicity Circle. To some, simplicity comes from having a simple business model that doesn’t require a big team. To others, simplicity is a mindset, which allows them to let go of 90% of advice they receive. To me simplicity comes from creating a business based on your biggest “superskills” so that results come with ease. And ditching everything else.
By the way, not everyone is “complaining” about low sales or conversions. People with strong connections and relationships with their community are seeing results. And those with deeper marketing “pockets” who can spend more money on trying to find out what works eventually figure out the best way to get people to respond.
But the majority of people are definitely experiencing a shift – what used to work is no longer working. Now questions for you…
What are you seeing in our space right now?
What are you experiencing both, as a customer and as a business owner?
I’d love to hear your thoughts – just post a comment below this article.
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